FoxyBrown via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Thu Jul 6 05:15:57 PDT 2017

A DLL Loader prototype that loads DLL's, just specify the 
declaration. Probably should be worked up so it is easy to load 


import portaudio;
import std.conv, std.stdio;
import core.stdc.stdio;

//pragma(lib, "portaudio_x86.lib"); // Doesn't work because libs 
are invalid

alias BOOL = ubyte;
alias DWORD = uint;

struct dllimport
   string dllName;

template hasAttribute(alias sym, T)
	static bool helper()
		foreach(a; __traits(getAttributes, sym))
			if(is(a == T) || __traits(compiles, typeof(a)) && is(typeof(a) 
== T))
				return true;
		return false;
	enum bool hasAttribute = helper();

template getAttribute(alias sym, T)
	static T helper()
		foreach(a; __traits(getAttributes, sym))
			static if(is(a == T) || __traits(compiles, typeof(a)) && 
is(typeof(a) == T))
				return a;
		assert(0, "attribute " ~ T.stringof ~ " not found");
	enum T getAttribute = helper();

void doImport(alias T)()
	import, std.conv;
	bool isDLLLoaded = false;
	foreach(m; __traits(allMembers, T))
		static if(__traits(compiles, typeof(__traits(getMember, T, m))))
			static if(hasAttribute!(__traits(getMember, T, m), dllimport))
				auto dllName =  getAttribute!(__traits(getMember, T, m), 
				if (!isDLLLoaded)
					writeln("Loading DLL `"~dllName~"'...");
					isDLLLoaded = true;
					dll = LoadLibrary(to!wstring(dllName~"\0").ptr);
					if (dll == null)
						// ERROR, handle
						writeln("Error, aborting!");

				auto q = GetProcAddress(dll, m);
				mixin(m~" = cast(typeof("~m~"))q;");

				//func(m, getAttribute!(__traits(getMember, T, m), 
dllimport).dllName, cast(void**)&__traits(getMember, T, m));

mixin template DllImportFunctions()
	struct DllImporter
		shared static this()
			doImport!(__traits(parent, DllImporter))();

		static loadFunction(string name, const(char)[] dllName, void** 
			printf("import %.*s from %.*s into %llx\n", name.length, 
name.ptr, dllName.length, dllName.ptr, addr);

extern(Windows) @dllimport("portaudio_x86.dll") __gshared
	PaError function() Pa_Initialize;
	PaError function() Pa_Terminate;
	PaHostApiIndex function() Pa_GetHostApiCount;
	PaHostApiIndex function() Pa_GetDefaultHostApi;
	PaDeviceIndex function() Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice;
	PaDeviceIndex function() Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice;
	PaDeviceIndex function() Pa_GetDeviceCount;
	const(PaHostErrorInfo)* function() Pa_GetLastHostErrorInfo;
	PaDeviceIndex function(PaHostApiIndex hostApi, int 
hostApiDeviceIndex ) Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex;
	PaHostApiIndex function(PaHostApiTypeId type) 
	const(PaHostApiInfo)* function(PaHostApiIndex hostApi) 
	PaError function(PaStream *stream, PaStreamFinishedCallback 
streamFinishedCallback) Pa_SetStreamFinishedCallback;
	PaError function(PaStream *stream) Pa_CloseStream;
	PaError function(PaStream** stream, int numInputChannels, int 
numOutputChannels, PaSampleFormat sampleFormat, double 
sampleRate, ulong framesPerBuffer, PaStreamCallback 
streamCallback, void *userData) Pa_OpenDefaultStream;
	PaError function(PaStream** stream, const PaStreamParameters 
*inputParameters, const PaStreamParameters *outputParameters, 
double sampleRate, ulong framesPerBuffer, PaStreamFlags 
streamFlags, PaStreamCallback streamCallback, void *userData) 
	PaError function(const PaStreamParameters *inputParameters, 
const PaStreamParameters *outputParameters, double sampleRate) 
	const(PaDeviceInfo)* function(PaDeviceIndex device) 
	PaError function(PaStream *stream) Pa_StartStream;
	PaError function(PaStream *stream) Pa_StopStream;
	PaError function(PaStream *stream) Pa_AbortStream;
	PaError function(PaStream *stream) Pa_IsStreamStopped;
	void function(long msec) Pa_Sleep;
	PaError function(PaSampleFormat format) Pa_GetSampleSize;
	long function(PaStream* stream) Pa_GetStreamWriteAvailable;
	long function(PaStream* stream) Pa_GetStreamReadAvailable;
	PaError function(PaStream* stream, const void *buffer, ulong 
frames) Pa_WriteStream;
	PaError function(PaStream* stream, void *buffer, ulong frames) 
	double function(PaStream* stream) Pa_GetStreamCpuLoad;
	PaTime function(PaStream *stream) Pa_GetStreamTime;
	const(PaStreamInfo)* function(PaStream *stream) Pa_GetStreamInfo;
	PaError function(PaStream *stream) Pa_IsStreamActive;


mixin DllImportFunctions;

struct Phase
     float left=0, right=0;

extern(C) int sawtooth(const(void)* inputBuffer, void* 
outputBuffer, size_t framesPerBuffer, 
const(PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo)* timeInfo, PaStreamCallbackFlags 
statusFlags, void *userData)
     auto phase = cast(Phase*)userData;

     auto pout = cast(float*)outputBuffer;

     enum vol = 0.2f;

     foreach(i; 0 .. framesPerBuffer)
         *pout++ = vol * phase.left;
         *pout++ = vol * phase.right;

         phase.left += 0.01f;
         if (phase.left >= 1.0f) phase.left -= 2.0f;

         phase.right += 0.03f;
         if (phase.right >= 1.0f) phase.right -= 2.0f;
     return 0;

int main()
     enum SAMPLE_RATE = 44100;
     enum NUM_SECONDS = 15;

     PaStream* stream;
     PaError err;
     Phase phase_data;

	auto x = Pa_Initialize;

     if ((err = Pa_Initialize()) != paNoError) goto Lerror;

     if ((err = Pa_OpenDefaultStream(&stream, 0, 2, paFloat32, 
SAMPLE_RATE, paFramesPerBufferUnspecified, &sawtooth, 
&phase_data)) != paNoError) goto Lerror;

     if ((err = Pa_StartStream(stream)) != paNoError) goto Lerror;

     Pa_Sleep(NUM_SECONDS * 1000);

     if ((err = Pa_StopStream(stream)) != paNoError) goto Lerror;
     if ((err = Pa_CloseStream(stream)) != paNoError) goto Lerror;
     if ((err = Pa_Terminate()) != paNoError) goto Lerror;

     return 0;
     //stderr.writefln("error %s", 
     return 1;

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