Sorting Assosiative Arrays and Finding Largest Common Substring

helxi via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Thu Mar 16 09:02:13 PDT 2017

I was looking for ways to find the largest common substring 
between two given substrings and have learnt
1. .length is of type ulong
2. writing string[int] will not give me a sorted array
3. ulong cannot be sorted by sorted

What's the trick to sort the associative array by their keys?

Code snippet:

import std.stdio;

//find the largest substring of the two strings
void main(string[] args){

     string str1 = args[1];
     string str2 = args[2];

     string[ulong] commons;

     //is a char from str1[n] == str2[n]?
     //is the char from str1[n+1] == str2[n+1]?

     for (int i = 0; i < str1.length; i++){
         for (int j = 0; j < str2.length; j++){
             if (str2[j] == str1[i]){
                 string current = ""~str1[i];
                 for (int a = 1; (a+i < str1.length && a+j < 
str2.length); a++){
                     if(str2[a+j] == str1[a+i]){
                         current ~= str1[a+i];
                 commons[current.length] = current;
     writeln(commons); //[4:"asdf", 2:"df", 1:"f", 3:"sdf"]
     //writeln(commons[commons.keys.max]); <-won't work, no max 
for ulong[]
     writeln(commons[commons.keys[0]]); //asdf
     //but can't guarantee the largest value is the first key

$./main asdf asdfasdfc
[4:"asdf", 2:"df", 1:"f", 3:"sdf"]

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