Polymorphism? Passing arguments

Martin martin at mab-on.net
Sat Nov 4 01:22:05 UTC 2017

I have a interface
`interface Node {...}`

and some classes implementing Node:
class Text : Node {...}
class Element : Node {...}
and a function like this:
`public void setRelation(ref Node parent , ref Node child) {...}`

if i do this it works:
Node root = new Element("root");
Node text = new Text("blah");
setRelation(root ,  text);

but this does not:
Node root = new Element("root");
setRelation(root , new Text("blah"));
>Error: function Nodes.setRelation (ref Node parent, ref Node 
>child) is not callable using argument types (Node, Text)

Why is this? Text implements Node. This is how i do it in other 
Languages - How can would be this possible in D?

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