Cannot reduce an empty iterable w/o an explicit seed value

Vino vino.bheeman at
Thu Nov 9 12:40:49 UTC 2017

Hi All,

   Request your help, when i execute the below line of code i am 
getting an error message as "Cannot reduce an empty iterable w/o 
an explicit seed value" , The below lie of code will iterate 
several file system and will report the size of the folder (level 
1) which is greater than 10GB.

auto coSizeDirList (string FFs, int SizeDir) {
	float subdirTotal;
	float subdirTotalGB;
	Array!string Result;
	auto dFiles = Array!string ((dirEntries(FFs, 
SpanMode.shallow).filter!(a => a.isDir))[].map!(a =>;
	foreach (d; parallel(dFiles[], 1)) {
	auto SdFiles = Array!float ((dirEntries(join(["\\\\?\\", d]), 
SpanMode.depth).filter!(a => a.isFile))[].map!(a => 
	subdirTotalGB = ((reduce!((a,b) => a + b)(SdFiles)) / 1024 / 
1024 / 1024);
  if (subdirTotalGB > SizeDir) {
Result.insertBack(d); Result.insertBack(to!string(subdirTotalGB));
			return Result;


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