Inserting and removing elements from a sorted container

Dirk dirk at email.address
Sun Nov 19 16:48:00 UTC 2017

On Sunday, 19 November 2017 at 16:05:53 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
> I'd suggest that you use std.container.rbtree..RedBlackTree. A 
> red-black tree exactly the sort of data structure that is 
> typically used in a sorted set.
> - Jonathan M Davis

Thank you, i will look into it.

I have a question related to ranges:

An input range has an interface like this:

struct inputRange
     void popFront();
     @property bool empty();
     @property int front();

So if i use a foreach loop to iterate over all elements of a 
range, i would expect the range to shrink for every iteration:

auto list = SList!uint(1,2,3);
auto range = list[].save();
foreach( i; range ) {

Expected output:

But i get:

Why don't i see the expected output?

Thank you,

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