dirEntries() and exceptions

doc wagn3r at ya.ru
Fri Nov 24 12:02:47 UTC 2017

I'm trying recursively find files, and have some trouble to catch 
exceptions if have no permission to read directory.

void main() {
import std.file,std.stdio;
auto farray = dirEntries("/tmp", "*.{d,py,pl,sh}", 
foreach (f; farray){writeln(f);}}

std.file.FileException at std/file.d(3798): 
/tmp/systemd-private-8338348a306b4d589e3f6ba2bfd0c8fe-systemd-timesyncd.service-3374MK: Permission denied
??:? @safe core.sys.posix.dirent.DIR* 
std.file.cenforce!(core.sys.posix.dirent.DIR*).cenforce(core.sys.posix.dirent.DIR*, lazy const(char)[], immutable(char)[], ulong) [0xd31f7ce7]
??:? bool std.file.DirIteratorImpl.stepIn(immutable(char)[]) 
??:? void std.file.DirIteratorImpl.popFront() [0xd31f7641]
??:? void std.file.DirIterator.popFront() [0xd31f78dc]
??:? _Dmain [0xd31f1ff2]

Example structure /tmp

├── 374e60aa-296f-4499-9d12-36626a105069
├── 6787feed-013f-4907-bf86-b18a5a7c966f
├── dub_platform_probe-0d2aed9d-4a4f-4da3-a9fe-af705fb4914c.d
├── dub_platform_probe-3e5246ea-7158-4184-865e-8f15ec149b6f.d
├── dub_platform_probe-724ee4cf-bdc9-4137-b25a-4893323922ac.d
├── dub_platform_probe-9a0c98e4-3077-460c-9309-b8066be1b353.d
├── dub_platform_probe-be30fcdc-3eb2-4a0c-88bd-49a8507eb48b.d
├── dub_platform_probe-dc6d01e2-4f5d-4e71-adde-70131b8a0587.d
├── dub_platform_probe-dcd282e3-1b9c-486a-84ee-5eee5c60790f.d
├── dub_platform_probe-e2dfd83f-5f21-401c-a450-20bf5e73a678.d
├── ls
├── ls.d
├── ls.o
systemd-private-8338348a306b4d589e3f6ba2bfd0c8fe-systemd-timesyncd.service-3374MK [error opening dir]
├── vscode-e6da53a1363a02042f56966c5464593959886044.sock

drwx------ 3 root root    60 ноя 24 08:32  

This dir have permission 0700, only root can read in this dir. 
Also, in /tmp I'm create at root a new dir /tmp/www with 0700 
perm. But my program has exit when exception on 
/tmp/systed-private... and can't write any messages when can't 
read /tmp/www.

So, how I can skip any exceptions and continue program?

void main() {
import std.stdio, std.file;

try {
auto farray = dirEntries("/tmp", "*.{d,py,ph,sh}", 
foreach (f; farray) {
catch (FileException e) {

This not work, after writeln(e.msg); program is exit.

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