CSV crash: "Quote located in unquoted token"

Dmitry dmitry at indiedev.ru
Fri Oct 13 10:05:09 UTC 2017

On Friday, 13 October 2017 at 09:00:52 UTC, rikki cattermole 
> Write a purpose built csv parser using ranges. It should take 
> only about half an hour.
> I know, I know not very helpful. But a custom built parser will 
> work better for you I think.
Yep, I can parse it myself, but I want to try to avoid this 
(reduce amount of source code).

Maybe there is posiible something like this:
foreach(record; file.byLine.fixQuotes.joiner("\n").csvReader!...

What types should get/return the function (fixQuotes) if I want 
change the line after .byLine?
When compiler says:
"candidates are:
src\phobos\std\array.d(2534,5): std.array.replaceFirst(E, R1, 
R2)(E[] subject, R1 from, R2 to) if (isDynamicArray!(E[]) && 
isForwardRange!R1 && is(typeof(appender!(E[])().put(from[0..1]))) 
&& isForwardRange!R2 && 

it's scares me and I hiding under the table.

I thought about something like
auto fixQuotes(string text)
     if (text.canFind("\"\""))
         // some magic

     return text;

but obviously, it won't compiled

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