How do you get mouse movement info in GtkD?

Ron Tarrant rontarrant at
Thu Dec 27 12:03:10 UTC 2018

On Saturday, 30 January 2016 at 06:43:11 UTC, Enjoys Math wrote:

> There's also one that takes an Event param, but there's no 
> obvious way to get the x/y info from that so I'll just use this 
> lower level one which seems to work.

I know this post is old, but a search I did the other day brought 
me here, so I'm assuming someone else may find this new info 

I don't think this part of GtkD was abstracted down that far. 
Here's a solution I came up with (connect via 
addOnMotionNotify(&onMotion) if you're in the same context)

public bool onMotion(Event event, Widget widget)
	if(event.type == EventType.MOTION_NOTIFY)
		writeln("x = ", event.motion.x, " y = ", event.motion.y);

} // onMotion()

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