Files and Buffers

Jerry Ferris biomechanical at
Fri Feb 2 19:49:33 UTC 2018

Good day,

I reexamined my objective and needs, and I've determined that the 
entirety of the input does not need to be read in all cases. Thus 
I've returned to using File instead
I should've put forth more thought; because I did not, I created 
a fairly useless OP. I do apologize, but from what I've seen, it 
at least initiated some discussion; I learned some useful 
functions too.

void main(string[] args)
	// file points to either stdin or a file specified by a user via 
	// fileSize is 0 for stdin
	auto uncompData = file.decompress(fileSize);

OutBuffer decompress(File file, ulong fileSize = 0)
	// Process file's contents

Best regards,
Jerry Ferris

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