Run-time initialised static variables

dekevin dekeyser.kevin97 at
Sat Feb 10 02:35:28 UTC 2018

On Tuesday, 6 February 2018 at 23:03:07 UTC, dekevin wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I just ran into the problem, that I need a static variable, 
> where the initialisation code for that variable is only 
> accessible during run-time (since part of the initialisation 
> code will be dynamically linked).
> Is there a way to do this in D?
> To be a bit more concrete, this is where I have the problem 
> (where ℚ uses GMP, which is dynamically linked):
> struct ℚInf {
>    ℚ qval;
>    immutable static ℚInf zero = ℚInf(0,1);
>    this(long num, long den) {
>         qval = ℚ(num,den); //this initialisation requires 
> dynamically linked code
>     }
> }

In case anyone is curios, thanks to tgehr i was able to resolve 
the issue.
For static variables:
struct ℚInf {
     ℚ qval;
     static ℚInf zero = void;
     static this() {
         zero = ℚInf(0,1);

For immutable static variables (a bit hacky since it sidesteps 
the type system):
struct ℚInf {
     ℚ qval;
     immutable static ℚInf zero = void;
     static this() @trusted {
         import std.conv: emplace;

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