Postblit constructor

Jiyan jiyan at
Wed Feb 28 18:23:04 UTC 2018

i thought i had understood postblit, but in my Code the following 
is happening (simplified):

struct C
this(this){/*Do sth*/}

void opAssign(const C c)
  "Postlbit from C called".writeln;
  // Do sth

struct list(T)
node* head;
node* last;
size_t size;

struct node
T val;
node* next;
node* prev;

void deleteNode()
static if(!isPointer!T){
	static if(__traits(compiles,val.__xdtor))val.__xdtor;

void constructNodeFrom(ref const T op)
  static if(isPointer!T)
   val = cast(T) op;

  /// Methods Add, Remove, erase are implemented here ...

The nodes are only allocated over malloc(). So i have to take 
care of the initioalisation myself.
The problem is, that i found out by debugging, that it seems that 
when i call val.opAssign(op) in constructNodeFrom(), there isnt 
any postblit constructor called in there, the struct seems just 
to get copied by a memcpy, can that be? Or is it a bug? Shouldnt 
the postblit constructor get called there?


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