Does dub support generating source files?

rikki cattermole rikki at
Sat Jan 6 13:40:54 UTC 2018

On 06/01/2018 1:23 PM, Bastiaan Veelo wrote:
> Hi,
> One of my source files (epparser.d) should be generated by calling rdmd 
> on another soure file (make.d) and therefore should depend on changes in 
> make.d and an additional module (epgrammar.d). An include path to Pegged 
> is required for compilation. epparser.d should be part of the main 
> project, but make.d and epgrammar.d should not. I have tried using a dub 
> subpackage for this with preBuildCommands ("cd ./subpackage && dub run") 
> in the main project, but that doesn't update epparser.d when epgrammar.d 
> changes (oddly enough; is does update when subpackage targetType is 
> "library", but it must be "executable"). epparser.d should not be 
> generated unnecessarily.
> I could script a custom preBuildCommand that checks modification dates 
> and supplies the Pegged include path explicitly but that seems hackish 
> and non-portable and typically something that the build system should do.
> Can dub do this or is this a thing for reggae? It must work on Windows 
> though.
> Thanks!


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