Creating Struct for an output of a program.

Vino vino.bheeman at
Tue Jan 9 07:57:19 UTC 2018

Hi All,

  Request your help on how to create a struct with the output of 
the below program.

import std.algorithm: all, map, filter;
import std.stdio: File, writeln;
import std.typecons: Tuple, tuple;
import std.container.array;
import std.string: split, strip;
import std.uni: isWhite, toLower;
import std.range: chunks;

void main () {
Array!string TableData, StructureData;
auto Meta = 
File("C:\\Users\\bheev1\\Desktop\\Current\\Script\\Others\\meta\\meta.txt", "r");
auto MetaData = Array!(Tuple!(string, string))(Meta.byLineCopy()
.filter!(line => !line.all!isWhite)
.map!(a => a.split(":"))
.map!(a => tuple(a[0].toLower.strip, a[1].toLower.strip)));
foreach (line; MetaData[]) { TableData.insertBack(line[0]); 
StructureData.insertBack(line[1]); }
for(int i = 0; i < TableData[].length; i++ ) {
auto S1 = StructureData[i].split(",").chunks(3);
auto S2 =!(a => tuple(a[0],a[1],a[2]));
for(int z =0; z < S2.length; z++)
{ writefln("%-8s %;s", S2[z][1] , S2[z][0]); }

string name;
string country;
int age;

Need to create as struct using the output

struct Layout {
string name;
string country;
int age;



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