Is it possible to obtain textual representation of an arbitary code?

Oleksii Skidan al.skidan at
Fri Jan 26 14:23:20 UTC 2018

On Friday, 26 January 2018 at 13:05:26 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
> Why are you using strings for any of this? Printing out the 
> expression is kind of pointless. If you have the file and line 
> number (which an AssertError will give you), then you know 
> where the failure is, and you can see the expression. All of 
> this extra machinery is just going to increase your compile 
> times for no benefit. So, what you're doing here is objectively 
> worse than just using assertions.
> There might be some value if you had something like
> assertEqual(lhs, rhs);
> and then on failure, you printed the values that were being 
> compared, since that's not necessarily information that's in 
> the code, but the expressions themselves _are_ already in the 
> code, so printing them out doesn't help any.

That's actually what I have:

// Usage:
//  mixin(requireEq!q{expected, actual});
// Checks whether the `actual` value is equal to `reauired`.
string requireEq(string expr)(string file = __FILE__, int line = 
     import std.array, std.conv, std.string;

     auto parts = expr.split(",");

     return q{
             bool equal = false;

             static if (__traits(isFloating, $expected) || 
__traits(isFloating, $actual)) {
                 import std.math;
                 equal = approxEqual($expected, $actual);
             } else {
                 equal = $expected == $actual;

             if (!equal) {
                 import std.stdio, std.conv;
                 writeln("Test failed @", `$file`, ":", $line, 
                         "  Expected `", `$actual`, "` to be `", 
to!string($expected), "`, but got `",
to!string($actual), "`\n");
     }.replace("$expected", parts[0].strip())
      .replace("$actual",   parts[1].strip())
      .replace("$file",     file)
      .replace("$line",     to!string(line));


The sample code I posted before, was way much simpler than this.

> But even if you have helper functions that take the values 
> separately so that they can be printed, in my experience, the 
> extra template instantiations required to use helper functions 
> like that everywhere in unit tests increases the compilation 
> times (and memory required) enough that it's not worth it, 
> especially when you consider that once the tests are passing, 
> all of that extra machinery does you no good whatsoever. 
> Ultimately, it just costs less to temporarily make an 
> adjustment to the test and rerun it if you need more 
> information.

I won't argue against asserts. I agree with your point: they are 
fine for simple cases, and they are definitely faster to compile 
than any other framework.

My ultimate goal is to implement a BDD framework, so that I could 
write tests in the most productive (for myself) way. I'm not 
aiming for a production-ready quality, a toy framework that suits 
my needs would be just fine.

> If you don't think that simply using assertions for unit tests 
> is good enough, then I'd suggest that you look at 

Thanks, I'll look at it.

Also, I have a vague idea that aliases may be the key to the 
desired functionality.


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