How can I point an array to existing data in memory while using Better C?

Stijn Herreman stijn.herreman at
Sun Jul 8 20:27:34 UTC 2018 is similar to what I want to do, but the code by Adam cannot be used when using Better C (I assume slicing isn't supported).

I have the following code:


     public __gshared header* GPT_header;
     public __gshared partition_entry[128] GPT_entries;


     GPT_header = cast(header*)0x00007e00;
     *(GPT_entries).ptr = *(cast(partition_entry*)0x00008000);

Disassembled, the code from main.d looks like this:

mov     ds:_D4boot11environment10GPT_headerPSQBg3gpt6header, 7E00h
mov     esi, 8000h
mov     edi, offset 
mov     ecx, 20h
rep movsd

So GPT_header points to 0x7e00 as desired, but for GPT_entries it 
copies the first array element to a different location and makes 
it point to that location instead of 0x8000.

I should point out that I only have a vague idea of what I'm 
doing, I tried things until it compiled and worked (at first 
glance). If there are any docs that properly explain the casting 
of pointers, I'd appreciate the links.

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