Why does templated interface function return something different than final function?

Timoses timosesu at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 11:09:12 UTC 2018

Why is the interface templated function not also returning the 
class C toString return value "in C"??

	interface iface
		void toString(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) sink) const;

		final string convert() inout
			import std.conv;
			// assert(std.conv.to!string(this) == "in C"); // fails!
			return std.conv.to!string(this);

		final string convert2() const
			import std.conv;
			assert(std.conv.to!string(this) == "in C");
			return std.conv.to!string(this);

	class C : iface
		void toString(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) sink) const
			sink("in C");

	void main ()
		iface i = new C();
		import std.stdio;
		writeln(i.convert); // "app.C"
		writeln(i.convert2()); // "in C"

It seems like `inout` triggers some odd behaviour??

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