Member function passed through template alias only requiring `this` in certain conditions?

Emma VuLXn6DBW at
Thu Jul 19 15:12:24 UTC 2018


I’ve got this piece of code:

import std.stdio;

void test(alias fn1, alias fn2)()

struct Foo
     void foo()
         test!(bar, baz);

     void bar()

     void baz()

If I try to compile it, dmd complains, which I guess makes sense:

Error: need this for bar of type void()
Error: need this for baz of type void()

However, if I change line 13 from `test!(bar, baz);` to `test!(() 
=> bar, baz);`, it compiles and executes fine, calling both the 
`bar` and `baz` member functions.

Why is this? Shouldn’t it complain about `baz` needing `this`? 
Does the lambda in the first template argument somehow “pull in” 
the `this` reference for `baz`, too?


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