Class qualifier vs struct qualifier

Jonathan M Davis newsgroup.d at
Wed Jun 13 20:33:48 UTC 2018

On Wednesday, June 13, 2018 07:35:25 RazvanN via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm having a hard time understanding whether this inconsistency
> is a bug or intended behavior:
> immutable class Foo {}
> immutable struct Bar {}
> void main()
> {
>      import std.stdio : writeln;
>      Foo a;
>      Bar b;
>      writeln("typeof(a): ", typeof(a).stringof);
>      writeln("typeof(b): ", typeof(b).stringof);
> }
> prints:
> typeof(Foo): Foo
> typeof(Bar): immutable(Bar)
> It seems like the class storage class is not taken into account
> which leads to some awkward situations like:
> immutable class Foo
> {
>      this() {}
> }
> void main()
> {
>      Foo a = new Foo(); // error: immutable method `this` is not
> callable using a
>                         // mutable object
> }
> To make it work I have to add immutable to both sides of the
> expression : immutable Foo a = new immutable Foo(); this is a
> wonder of redundancy. I already declared the class as immutable
> so it shouldn't be possible to have mutable instances of it (and
> it isn't), however I am forced to write the immutable twice even
> though it is pretty obvious that the class cannot be mutated.

Honestly, from what I understand of how this works, what I find weird is the
struct case. immutable on classes does _not_ make the class itself
immutable. It just makes all of its members immutable - hence the error
about trying to allocate new Foo instead of new immutable Foo. So, that is
exactly what I would expect. And honestly, being able to write Foo and have
it imply immutable Foo would get _really_ confusing when reading and
debugging code.

What's bizarre is that marking the struct with immutable would affect
anything other than its members.

Bar b;

should not claim that typeof(b) is immutable(Bar). b was not marked as
immutable. It was listed as Bar, not immutable Bar. So, b shouldn't be

- Jonathan M Davis

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