Code failing unknown reason out of memory, also recursive types

Mr.Bingo Bingo at
Mon Jun 25 14:36:31 UTC 2018

import std.stdio;

union Vector(T, size_t N = size_t.max)
	import std.range, std.typecons, std.meta, std.algorithm, 
std.conv, std.math;
	static if (N == size_t.max)		// For size_t.max sets N to be 
		mixin("Tuple!("~"T,".repeat(N).join()~") data;");
		@property size_t Length() { return rect.length; }

		@property double norm(size_t n = 2)()
			return (iota(0,data.length).map!(a => 

		mixin("Tuple!("~"T,".repeat(N).join()~") data;");
		@property size_t Length() { return N; }

		@property double norm(size_t n = 2)()
			mixin("return ("~(iota(0,N).map!(a => 


	auto opDispatch(string s, Args...)(Args v)
		if (s.length > 1 && s[0] == 'x')
			static if (N == size_t.max)
				if (data.length < to!int(s[1..$]))
					for(int i = 0; i < to!int(s[1..$]) - data.length; i++) data 
~= 0;

			static if (Args.length == 0)
				mixin(`return data[`~s[1..$]~`];`);
			else static if (Args.length == 1)
				mixin(`data[`~s[1..$]~`] = v[0];  `);			

	alias data this;

void main()
	import std.math, std.variant;

	Vector!(Algebraic!(Vector!int, int)) v;
	//v.x1 = 3;
	//v.x2 = 4;
	//v.x3 = 5;

Trying to create a vector of vectors where any entry can be 
another vector of vectors or an int.

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