Catching std.conv.ConvException in readf causes a buffer overrun

Shigeki Karita shigekikarita at
Wed Jun 27 04:42:30 UTC 2018

On Wednesday, 27 June 2018 at 02:39:49 UTC, Shigeki Karita wrote:
> import std.stdio;
> import std.conv;
> void main() {
>     int i;
>     try {
>         readf("%d\n", &i); // "a"
>     } catch (ConvException e) {
>         auto s = readln();
>         writeln(s); // "aa", "aaa" or SEGV ???
>     }
> }
> I just want to retry reading if input was invalid. How can I do 
> it?

I found that formattedRead!"%d\n"(readln(), i) can avoid the 
buffer overrun why readf cannot do this?


import std.stdio;
import std.format;

import std.stdio;
import std.format;

void main() {
     int i;
     try {
         formattedRead!"%d\n"(readln(), i);
     } catch (Exception e) {
         // writeln(e);
         auto s = readln();
         writeln(s); // ""

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