Call different member functions on object sequence with a generic handler function?

Ali Çehreli acehreli at
Sat Jun 30 00:16:28 UTC 2018

On 06/29/2018 02:40 PM, Robert M. Münch wrote:
 > How does it work if one of the members takes an argument that is deduced
 > inside the handler function?
 > On 2018-06-29 18:05:00 +0000, Ali ‡ehreli said:
 >> Passing a lambda or a string mixin:
 >> import std.stdio;
 >> class C {
 >>      void A() {
 >>          writeln(__FUNCTION__);
 >>      }
 >>      void B() {
 >>          writeln(__FUNCTION__);
 >>      }
 > void C(bool flag) {
 >      writln(__FUNCTION__):
 > }

So the others still don't have a parameter?

It's not clear how the general function should know what member function 
is being passed. One way is to check the signature of the lambda and 
decide to pass the flag or not. The other way is to always pass the flag 
but the caller does not use it.

import std.stdio;

class C {
     void A() {

     void B() {

     void C(bool flag) {

void handler(alias func)(C[] cs) {
     bool flag;
     foreach (c; cs) {
         func(c, flag); // Always passes the flag

void main() {
     auto cs = [ new C(), new C() ];

     // flag is used only sometimes
     handler!((o, flag) => o.A())(cs);
     handler!((o, flag) => o.B())(cs);
     handler!((o, flag) => o.C(flag))(cs);

But it started to feel unnatural at this point. What is the exact use 
case? Perhaps there are better ways...


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