help on how to wrap a C macros when binding linux/spi/spidev.h

dangbinghoo dangbinghoo at
Thu Mar 29 08:47:50 UTC 2018


I'm doing a D binding myself to <linux/spi/spidev.h>, and has 
some problems to wrap the C macros.

import core.sys.posix.sys.ioctl;


/* IOCTL commands */

enum SPI_IOC_MAGIC = 'k';

  *  Orginal C macros.
  * #define SPI_MSGSIZE(N) \
	((((N)*(sizeof (struct spi_ioc_transfer))) < (1 << 
		? ((N)*(sizeof (struct spi_ioc_transfer))) : 0)
extern (D) size_t SPI_MSGSIZE(size_t N)
     return ((N * (spi_ioc_transfer.sizeof)) < (1 << 
_IOC_SIZEBITS)) ? (N * (spi_ioc_transfer.sizeof)) : 0;

char[SPI_MSGSIZE(N)]) */
extern (D) auto SPI_IOC_MESSAGE(size_t N)
     size_t n = SPI_MSGSIZE(N);
     return _IOW!(char[static n])(SPI_IOC_MAGIC, 0);
     //mixin("return _IOW!(char[n])(SPI_IOC_MAGIC, 0);");

as shown in the above code, the SPI_IOC_MESSAGE C macro has a 
param `char[SPI_MSGSIZE(N)]`, what should it be wrapped to the D 

as you can see, I tried to use the type of `char[static n]` or 
`char[n]`, and the compile failed:

source/spidev.d-mixin-129(129,19): Error: expression expected, 
not static
source/spidev.d-mixin-129(129,26): Error: found n when expecting ]
source/spidev.d-mixin-129(129,27): Error: found ] when expecting 
) following template argument list
source/spidev.d-mixin-129(129,28): Error: found ) when expecting 
; following return statement

or when removed static,

source/spidev.d-mixin-129(129,8): Error: variable n cannot be 
read at compile time

Can anyone help me? Thanks!

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