Why does enumerate over range return dchar, when ranging without returns char?

James Blachly james.blachly at gmail.com
Thu May 3 05:44:51 UTC 2018

I am puzzled why enumerating in a foreach returns a dchar (which 
forces me to cast), whereas without the enumerate the range 
returns a char as expected.


import std.stdio;
import std.range : enumerate;

void main()
	char[] s = ['a','b','c'];

     char[3] x;
     auto i = 0;
     foreach(c; s) {
         x[i] = c;

Above works without cast.

import std.stdio;
import std.range : enumerate;

void main()
	char[] s = ['a','b','c'];

     char[3] x;
     foreach(i, c; enumerate(s)) {
         x[i] = c;

Above fails without casting c to type char.

The function signature for enumerate shows "auto" return type, so 
that does not help me understand.

Kind regards

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