could someone test support for Asian languages in nanogui port?

drug drug2004 at
Tue May 8 09:23:59 UTC 2018

08.05.2018 11:11, Kagamin пишет:
> On Sunday, 6 May 2018 at 11:18:17 UTC, drug wrote:
>> Could you describe the problem in more details?
> SDL probably selects the first font that has the characters, which in 
> his case is a font of comic sans design, instead of a font configured 
> for gui.

It's not the case, the font is set explicitly, so may be other font can 
solve the problem.

Also text is rendered by nanovega, not by SDL. nanovega uses FontStash, 
lowlevel font engine that in its turn uses either freetype or stb (there 
are three (!) implementations of it: stb port, arsd and iv, probably all 
of them just are variants of original std)

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