Extra .tupleof field in structs with disabled postblit blocks non-GC-allocation trait

Per Nordlöw per.nordlow at gmail.com
Wed May 9 14:07:37 UTC 2018

Why (on earth) does

     struct S
         @disable this(this);
         int* _ptr;
     pragma(msg, typeof(S.tupleof));


(int*, void*)


     struct S
         int* _ptr;
     pragma(msg, typeof(S.tupleof));




This prevents the trait `mustAddGCRangeOfStructOrUnion` [1] from 
detecting when a container with manual memory management doesn't 
have to be scanned by the GC as in, for instance,

     enum NoGc;
     struct S
         @disable this(this); // disable S postlib
         @NoGc int* _ptr;
     static assert(!mustAddGCRangeOfStructOrUnion!S); // is false 
when postblit of `S` is disabled


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