Line breaks in JSON

bachmeier no at
Thu May 10 14:56:47 UTC 2018

I'm using std.json for the first time. I want to download the 
contents of a markdown file from a web server. When I do that, 
the line breaks are escaped, which I don't want. Here's an 

import std.conv, std.json, std.stdio;

void main() {
	string data =
"This is a paragraph
with line breaks
that shouldn't appear
when the file is loaded
in a text editor.";
   string msg = JSONValue(["markdown": data]).toString;
   string msg2 = parseJSON(msg)["markdown"].to!string;


This is a paragraph
with line breaks
that shouldn't appear
when the file is loaded
in a text editor.
"This is a paragraph\nwith line breaks\nthat shouldn't 
appear\nwhen the file is loaded\nin a text editor."

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