Building dmd/druntime on windows issue

Andre Pany andre at
Thu May 10 18:38:30 UTC 2018


I follow the instructions from the wiki to build dmd/druntime 
from source on windows.

Building dmd ends with following text:

copy ..\generated\windows\release\32\dmd.exe .
         1 file copied.

make -fwin32.mak C=dmd\backend TK=dmd\tk ROOT=dmd\root 
MAKE="make" HOST_DC="dmd" MODEL=32 CC="dmc" LIB="lib" OBJ_MSVC="" 
rmdir /s /q ..\generated
del dmd\msgs.h dmd\msgs.c
C:\D\dmd2\src\dmd\src\dmd\msgs.h cannot be found
del optabgen.exe parser_test.exe example_avg.exe
del ..\generated\windows\release\32\dmd.exe 
..\generated\windows\release\32\dmd_frontend.exe *.map *.obj *.exe
The system cannot find the given path.

If my understanding is correct, there are several issues:
- File dmd\msgs.h does not exist
- make deletes path "generated" which is needed in a further step.

There is a file "C:\D\dmd2\src\dmd\src\dmd.exe" created which 
seems to be the build result.

If I now try to build druntime it also fails, because the path 
"generated" does not exist:

..\dmd\generated\windows\release\32\dmd -conf= -c -o- -Isrc 
-Iimport -Hfimport\core\sync\barrier.di src\core\sync\barrier.d
Error: '..\dmd\generated\windows\release\32\dmd' not found

Kind regards

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