Convert mixin to function call

IntegratedDimensions IntegratedDimensions at
Sun May 20 20:22:14 UTC 2018

import std.stdio;

auto Q(string A)()
	auto foo()
		auto d = mixin(Z!(A)());
		return d;
	return foo()();

auto X(string A, string N)()
	return N~" = (() { int y = 4;  return "~A~" + y + 5; })();";

auto Z(string A)()
	return "() { int y = 4;  return "~A~" + y + 5; }";

void main()
	int x = 3;
	double y = 0;
	pragma(msg, (X!("x", "y")()));
	mixin(X!("x", "y")());
	y = Q!("x")();

using Q is more ideomatic but foo does not have access to x which 
is required(since Q should behave like a string mixin as far as 
scope is concerned).

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