Setter chaining

DigitalDesigns DigitalDesigns at
Wed May 30 21:57:21 UTC 2018

The above idea can be emulated in code, abiet ugly and useless:

import std.stdio;

struct CT(A,B)
     A v;
	B t;
	alias v this;

     B opUnary(string s)() if (s == "~")
         return t;
	A opUnary(string s)() if (s == "*")
         return v;

class C
	int q;
	CT!(int, typeof(this)) foo() { q = 3; CT!(int, typeof(this)) v; 
v.t = this; v.v = q; return v; }
	CT!(int, typeof(this)) bar(int y) { q = q + y; CT!(int, 
typeof(this)) v; v.t = this; v.v = q; return v; }

void main()
	C c = new C();
	auto x = *((;

With a language implementation, all one would need is a symbol, 
using #,

everything would simplify to

class C
	int q;
	int foo() { q = 3; return q; }
	int bar(int y) { q = q + y; return q;}

auto x = c.#foo().bar(6);

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