How does calling function pointers work?

helxi brucewayneshit at
Mon Nov 12 16:08:28 UTC 2018

As far as I understand, calling a function pointer with an 
argument in D looks like:

     call(&fnptr, argTofn0, argTofn1, argTofn3);

This immediately struck me a very weak syntax to me so I decided 
to explore my concerns.
I made a function pointer that takes an indefinite number of 

      1  import std.stdio;
      3  int total(int[] numbers ...) {
      4      int result;
      5      for(ulong i = 0; i < numbers.length; result += 
      6      return result;
      7  }
     10  void main() {
     11      writeln(total(1000, 200, 30, 4)); // 1234
     12      writeln(&total, 1000, 200, 30, 4); // 
     13      writeln((&total, 1000, 200, 30), 4); // error lmao
     14  }

How do you guys make writeln distinguish between an arg meant for 
writeln from an arg meant for &total?
Line 12 was meant to print 1234.
Line 13 was meant to print 1234 too, but for a different reason.

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