How does calling function pointers work?

helxi brucewayneshit at
Mon Nov 12 16:29:24 UTC 2018

On Monday, 12 November 2018 at 16:25:13 UTC, Rene Zwanenburg 
> Idk where you got that syntax from, but there's no syntactic 
> difference between calling normal functions and function 
> pointers:

import std.stdio;
import std.concurrency;
import core.thread;

void worker(int firstNumber) {
     foreach (i; 0 .. 4) {
         writeln(firstNumber + i);

void main() {
     foreach (i; 1 .. 3) {
         spawn(&worker, i * 10);

Looks like worker needs an int and spawn(&worker, i * 10) seems 
to feed it's second arg to worker(?)

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