Copy parameters from function passed as an alias

bauss jj_1337 at
Tue Oct 9 14:43:45 UTC 2018

Is there a way to copy parameters from a passed function as an 


void foo(alias fun)(...);

where ... should be the parameters of fun.

Of course std.traits.Parameters works like:

void foo(alias fun)(Parameters!fun);

But the catch is that you don't get the identifiers.

So what is the next alternative?

Okay let's just make it a template then ..

template foo(alias fun)
   static const parameterTypes = 
Parameters!(fun).stringof[1..$-1].split(", ");
   static const parameterNames = [ParameterIdentifierTuple!(fun)];

   private string generateParameters()
     string[] s = [];

     static foreach (i; 0 .. parameterTypes.length)
       s ~= parameterType[i] ~ " " ~ parameterNames[i];

     return s.join(",");

   void foo(mixin(generateParameters()))

Hmmm well this doesn't work because mixin cannot be placed there.

So the next alternative is a long ugly mixin like:

template foo(alias fun)
   static const parameterTypes = 
Parameters!(fun).stringof[1..$-1].split(", ");
   static const parameterNames = [ParameterIdentifierTuple!(fun)];

   private string generateParameters()
     string[] s = [];

     static foreach (i; 0 .. parameterTypes.length)
       s ~= parameterTypes[i] ~ " " ~ parameterNames[i];

     return s.join(",");

   mixin("void foo(" ~ generateParameters() ~ ") {" ~ q{
   } ~ "}");

There must be a better way to do this.


class Foo
   void a(int b, int c) { }

When passed to foo like "foo!(Foo.a)" should produce:

void foo(int b, int c)

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