Using . notation abstractly

James Japherson JJ at
Wed Oct 10 22:56:14 UTC 2018

struct Dispatcher(Base...)
     static auto opDispatch(string name, T...)(T vals)
		pragma(msg, " - ", name);

		return Dispatcher!(Base, name).init;


struct Dispatch
	alias X = Dispatcher!void;
	alias X this;

pragma(msg, Dispatch.A.B.C, " - ", typeof(Dispatch.A.B.C));

CT Output:

  - A
  - B
  - C
Dispatcher() - Dispatcher!(void, "A", "B", "C")

The idea is one can do


and it will sequentially handle all the indirections regardless 
of how many and return an object that encodes the path. (which 
then can be collapsed down to a single string).

Ultimately some action can then be taken on the path.

The point of all this is because D does not allow nesting of enums

which allows for nice use of . to separate hiearchies:

enum A
    enum B

A.B.X, rather than having to have one large flat enum and do 
things like A_B_X.

I know one can use structs but it is messy and not general enough.


can be used such as

struct A
     alias Dispatch this;


but it requires more machinery to setup.

The purpose is mainly to be able to hijack the `.` notation to 
create nice separations visually like we do for indirection but 
allow it to mean many different things.

One of the problems is connecting it with actual code that does 
something depending on the path in a way that is general enough 
to be used for a wide variety of problems.

Any ideas on how this could be done?

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