Variadic template with template arguments in pairs

Anonymouse asdf at
Wed Sep 12 15:12:16 UTC 2018

I'm trying to create a variadic template function that takes 
pairs of arguments. Sort of like getopt, I want to pass any 
number of pairs of a string and some pointer. Or any size chunk 
larger than one.

Something like the following, assuming the existence of a 
hypothetical template pairwise:


void doByPair(Args...)(Args args)
if (Args.length)
     foreach (pair; args.pairwise)
         static assert(is(typeof(pair[0]) == string));
         static assert(isPointer!(pair[1]));
         assert(pair[1] !is null);

         string desc = pair[0];
         auto value = *pair[1];
         writefln("%s %s: %s", typeof(value).stringof, desc, 

bool b1 = true;
bool b2 = false;
string s = "some string";
int i = 42;

doByPair("foo", &b1, "bar", &b2, "baz", &s, "qux", &i);


Should output:

bool foo: true
bool bar: false
string baz: some string
int qux: 42

What is the right way to go about doing this?

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