Poor regex performance?

Julian julian.fondren at gmail.com
Thu Apr 4 09:53:06 UTC 2019

The following code, that just runs a regex against a large exim 
to report on top senders, is 140 times slower than similar C code 
PCRE, when compiled with just -O. With a bunch of other flags I 
got it
down to only 13x slower than C code that's using libc 

   import std.stdio, std.string, std.regex, std.array, 

   T min(T)(T a, T b) {
           if (a < b) return a;
           return b;

   void main() {
           ulong[string] emailcounts;
           auto re = ctRegex!(r"(?:\S+ ){3,4}<= ([^@]+@(\S+))");

           foreach (line; File("exim_mainlog").byLine()) {
                   auto m = line.match(re);
                   if (m) {

           string[] senders = emailcounts.keys;
           sort!((a, b) { return emailcounts[a] > emailcounts[b]; 
           foreach (i; 0 .. min(senders.length, 5)) {
                   writefln("%5s %s", emailcounts[senders[i]], 

Other code's available at 
I get D down to 1.2x slower with PCRE and getline()

I wrote this part of the way through chapter 1 of "The D 
Programming Language",
so my question is mainly: is this a fair result? std.regex is 
very slow and
I should reach for PCRE if regex speed matters? Or is this code 
flawed somehow? I'm using a random production log; not trying to 
make things

Relatedly, how can I add custom compiler flags to rdmd, in a D 
For example, -L-lpcre

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