Overloads not returning appropriate info. [Field reflunkory]

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at gmail.com
Fri Apr 5 15:13:36 UTC 2019

On Friday, 5 April 2019 at 14:38:21 UTC, Alex wrote:
> No one has a clue about this?

Your code has a lot of layers to unfold, but instead let me just 
show you a working example and then maybe you can fix your own 

class A {
	void foo(int a) {}
	void foo(int b, int c) {}

void main() {
	import std.stdio;
	foreach(overload; __traits(getOverloads, A, "foo")) {
		static if(is(typeof(overload) Params == __parameters))
			static foreach(idx, _; Params) {{
				alias param = Params[idx .. idx + 1];
				writeln("\t", __traits(identifier, param));

I don't know if your bug is in your code or in std.traits or 
what, but this example works and prints out

void(int a)
void(int b, int c)

The one bizarre thing is the `param = Params[idx .. idx + 1]` 
bit. I wrote a little about this for parameter attributes too


but it also applies to getting the identifier out.

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