How to mixin finction name?

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at
Sun Apr 14 13:22:38 UTC 2019

On Sunday, 14 April 2019 at 12:00:38 UTC, Andrey wrote:
> I want to mixin only name - not the full function code.

You can't. Best you can do is write the function separately and 
then mixin an alias for it with the other name.

void main()
     enum letters = ['A', 'B', 'C'];

     // normal implementation, parameterized via template
     void printImplementation(char ch)(uint i) {
         import std.stdio;
         writeln(ch, " - ", i);

     static foreach(ch; letters)
         // mixin the name separately
         mixin("alias print" ~ ch ~ " = printImplementation!ch;");


Though, I'd point out the mixin code doesn't have to be too ugly. 
Consider this:

void main()
     enum letters = ['A', 'B', 'C'];

     static foreach(ch; letters)
		void print}~ch~q{(int i) {
		    import std.stdio;
		    writeln(ch, " - ", i);


Well, the name part is a big ugly, but the rest of it looks 
perfectly normal, and the compiler error message still give 
reasonable results.

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