Using map result type

Meta jared771 at
Wed Dec 11 20:08:37 UTC 2019

On Sunday, 8 December 2019 at 01:10:21 UTC, AA wrote:
> I'd like to accept the return type of map. From some previous 
> questions that I should accept a template?
> So for something like:
> ```
> void mapAccepter(Range)(Range r)
> {
>     import std.array : array;
>     import std.stdio : writeln;
>     auto collected = r.array;
>     writeln(collected);
> }
> void main()
> {
>     import std.algorithm.iteration : map;
>     int[] nums = [1, 2, 3];
>     auto evenness = map!(n => n % 2 == 0)(nums);
>     mapAccepter(evenness);
> }
> ```

> 1) Is there any way I can make `mapAccepter` not a templated 
> function?

Yes (mostly, anyway), using the interfaces in 

import std.algorithm;
import std.range;

void mapAccepter(E)(InputRange!E r)
     import std.array: array;
     import std.stdio: writeln;

     auto collected = r.array;

void main()
     int[] nums = [1, 2, 3];
     auto evenness = inputRangeObject(map!(n => n % 2 == 0)(nums));

`mapAccepter` still needs to be templated on the element type of 
the range,
but there are ways to avoid that as well, if desired. I wouldn't 
recommend it,
however, as it wouldn't be that useful in this case.

> 2) Is there any way if I need to make `mapAccepter` templated 
> to constrain Range to be a range of booleans.

Yup, there are two ways that you you primarily do that. Either
constraining E in the template declaration, or adding a constraint
on the template. Generally option 2 is the more idiomatic D way.

Option 1: constrain E to be of type bool:
void mapAccepter(E: bool)(InputRange!E r);


void mapAccepter(E)(InputRange!E r)
if (is(E == bool));

There's not much difference between these two, but the latter is 
probably preferred.

Option 2: use std.traits and a template constraint:
void mapAccepter(E)(InputRange!E r)
if (is(ElementType!r == bool));

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