Error: char 0x200b not allowed in identifier

ag0aep6g anonymous at
Mon Jun 3 14:41:18 UTC 2019

On 03.06.19 15:37, zoujiaqing wrote:
> Error for code:
> source/hunt/xml/Element.d(12,13): Error: char 0x200b not allowed in 
> identifier

U+200B is: ZERO WIDTH SPACE. Somehow you got that invisible character 
into your code. You have to get rid of it.

To do it manually, navigate to the locations the compiler gives you and 
find the spot where the cursor seems to get stuck for one key press. 
That's where a zero width space is.

You can also open the file in a different non-Unicode encoding. The zero 
width spaces should stick out as non-ASCII symbols.

Or you could write a program that goes over the file and filters the 
zero width spaces out.

Or just re-write whole lines or the whole file by hand.

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