Framework design, initialization and framework usage

Robert M. Münch robert.muench at
Wed May 8 06:30:56 UTC 2019

On 2019-05-07 18:02:16 +0000, Ron Tarrant said:

> I'm curious. What's the ultimate aim of the framework you're working 
> on? An aid to building web apps? Desktop apps?

The goal is to have a generic framework for desktop apps where you can 
directly start to work on the app and don't have to care about getting 
all the necessary environment and building-blocks up & running.

> Or something more specific like 3D, 2D, text editors...

Some features we have in mind:

* High speed 2D graphics (working)
* GUI widget set, self-drawn via 2D graphics. Not using any OS widgets. 
Portable. (only simple tests so far)
* Flex-Box like layouting of GUI elements (working)
* Framework and App logic linked/using Reactive pattern. Message 
passing everywhere. (working)
* Selfcontained executables, no external dependencies (working)
* SQLite3 included (working)
* LuaJIT as embedded scripting layer for declarative GUIs (not yet decided)

Our focus is executable size (I'm an old school guy) and speed.

For some simple real-time grid example see: 

This one is doing on resize: a new layout, draws the grid and blits it 
to screen. It still has a double blit that we already removed.

We are currently all in prototype state to find out what's the best 
architecture and desing to link all these elements. But so far things 
look very promising, since the code is very compact. The major work 
will be to build up the GUI widget library. But we will do this 
step-by-step as we need things. And we start with the most complex ones 
first. If these work, the rest is a home-run.

Robert M. Münch
smarter | better | faster

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