Performance of tables slower than built in?

rikki cattermole rikki at
Wed May 22 01:10:25 UTC 2019

On 22/05/2019 12:22 PM, JS wrote:
> I am trying to create some fast sin, sinc, and exponential routines to 
> speed up some code by using tables... but it seems it's slower than the 
> function itself?!?
> The code below uses matplotlibd but is not necessary. The timing code is 
> lower.
> Ideally I'd like to have quadratic interpolation and all that but if the 
> code is going to be slower and less accurate then what is the point?
> Surely I'm doing something wrong?
> I wasn't able to test this with LDC because it's giving me linker errors 
> for some reason.
> I'm also curious as to what D is using internally in the first place.

It should be the libc's.

With regards to your code, it looks like your computation is wrong.
I gave it a go (although refactored) and it just wouldn't output the 
right set of values. So performance isn't all that important right now.

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