Parameter pack expansion

Tomas skrivantomas at
Thu May 30 20:20:47 UTC 2019

I'm very new to D, coming from C++ I'm missing parameter pack 
expansion and fold expressions.

For example, I want to write a function `f(x[0], ..., x[n])` 
which accepts any number of objects and calls `g(x[0].member, 
..., x[n].member)`.

In C++, I would write this:

    template<class ...X>
    void f(X ... x){

Similar transformation can be also done in C++ on types too:

    template<class ...X>
    using F = G<X::Member...>;

How do I do something like this in D?

Basicaly, how do I preform tuple transformations

X = (X[0], ..., X[n]) ->  TX = (X[0].Member, ... ,X[n].Member)
x = (x[0], ..., x[n]) ->  tx = (x[0].member, ... ,x[0].member)

Here is my best shot in D, it kind of does what I want, but I 
have do define my own map function `myMap`.

    // Helper function
    auto myMap(alias Fun, X...)(X x) {
      import std.typecons;

      static if (X.length > 1)
        return tuple(Fun(x[0])) ~ myMap!(Fun)(x[1 .. $]);
        return tuple(Fun(x[0]));

    // Do the transformation inside
    void foo(X...)(X x){
       // type transformation
       alias MemberOf(T) = T.Member;
       alias XM = staticMap!(MemberOf, X);

       // value transformation, notice the `expand`!
       auto tx  = myMap!(x => x.member)(x).expand;

What is the recommended what to do this in D? Surely, there has 
to be a standard function which does exactly(probably better) the 
same thing as what `myMap` does.

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