Strange double to uint conversion

Luiz Silveira zertyz at
Mon Nov 18 21:08:39 UTC 2019

Hello, everyone!

   I'm a new D fan, still learning the language and this is my 
first post.

   I came up with a strange behavior, using D 2.089 for windows.

   Considering the program "error.d":

import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

void main() {
         uint c(double v) {
                 return (37.05*100.0).to!uint;

         double f;
         uint c2(double v) {
                 return (37.05*f).to!uint;

         writeln("All should be 3705, right? -- ", 37.05*100, "; 
", 37.05*100.0, "; ", (37.05*100).to!uint, "; ",c(37.05),"; 

   I expect all values to be 3705, yet running it with 
'/c/D/dmd-2.089.0/windows/bin/dmd.exe -run error.d' gives me the 

All should be 3705, right? -- 3705; 3705; 3705; 3705; 3704

   I also played with several compilation options, all yelding the 
same results:

dmd -boundscheck=on -m64 -lowmem -of="error" "error".d && ./error
dmd -boundscheck=off -m64 -lowmem -of="error" "error".d && ./error
dmd -boundscheck=on -m32 -lowmem -of="error" "error".d && ./error
dmd -release -O -mcpu=native -boundscheck=on -m64 -lowmem 
-of="error" "error".d && ./error
dmd -release -O -mcpu=native -boundscheck=on -m64 -of="error" 
"error".d && ./error
dmd -of="error" "error".d && ./error

   What am I doing wrong?

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