Leak-detection of references to scoped class instances

Per Nordlöw per.nordlow at gmail.com
Thu Nov 28 21:49:09 UTC 2019

On Monday, 25 November 2019 at 13:09:44 UTC, mipri wrote:
> class C {
>     int x;
>     this(int n) { x = n; }
> }
> int heap() {
>     auto x = new C(2); // vgc: `new` causes a GC allocation
>     return x.x;
> }
> /+
> int example.heap():
>         sub     rsp, 8
>         mov     edi, OFFSET FLAT:example.C.__Class
>         call    _d_newclass
>         mov     DWORD PTR [rax+16], 2
>         mov     eax, 2
>         add     rsp, 8
>         ret
> +/
> gdc assembly.

What about adding a new optimization pass to the compiler that 
infers `scope` of each class instance `x` if it (and all it's 
aliasings) are

- only passed to scope parameters of functions and
- doesn't escape into a global variable or via a return value

? I recall such as mechanism already exists for GC-allocated 
dynamic arrays which, in release builds of ldc at least, are 
replaced with stack-allocated arrays (if they are small enough).

Also, what happens if `C` doesn't fit on the stack? In that case 
the compiler should allocate `C` using a deterministic allocator 
via `malloc` or `mmap` and `free` or `munmap` the instance at the 
end of `x`'s lifetime.

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