Indexed graphics for retro engine?

Gregor Mückl gregormueckl at
Fri Sep 20 16:08:06 UTC 2019

On Thursday, 19 September 2019 at 20:47:45 UTC, Shadowblitz16 
> can I do this in D and draw them to a 32bpp bitmap pixel by 
> pixel?
> I would prefer do do this on the gpu but I don't know how.

Conceptually, applying the palette to the index buffer is easy on 
the GPU. There are two ways to go about that, using either the 
(programmable) hardware rendering pipeline or the compute shader.

The first thing is that you need to end up with your 4bpp image 
on the GPU. Either as a texture upload or you're rendering 
something into it as a framebuffer. I guess the first option is 
preferable. You'll have to abuse an 8bpp texture format like R8UI 
for the texture.

The current palette goes into a separate texture or buffer 
object. A uniform buffer object (OpenGL terminology) is probably 
the simplest option.

Then you have to invoke either a fragment shader or a compute 
shader so that it is invoked for every pixel in the input. This 
performs the palette lookup and writes the palette color to its 

If you go with a fragment shader, you need to set up a projection 
that is just right, write a dummy vertex shader and setup a 
framebuffer to render to. and you need a vertex buffer with one 
or two triangles in it that cover the output so that the graphics 
pipeline has something to render. In short, it's the classic 
creative abuse of the rendering pipeline to obtain a full screen 

The slightly more modern version is a compute shader that gets 
invoked per pixel and does the same thing. The nice thing is that 
you get to skip all the vertex buffer, vertex shader and 
projection stuff. And with DirectX or Vulkan, you even get to 
bind the current swapchain image to the compute shader, so your 
shader output goes to the screen as directly as possible. OpenGL 
requires you to allocate an output texture that you copy to the 
screen separately (well, it's a bronze age APIs...).

It's really quite simple if you understand GPUs. There's a lot of 
terminology to throw around, but once you get a handle of the 
general ideas behind of GPU rendering, stuff like that comes easy.

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