Looking for a Simple Doubly Linked List Implementation

Dennis dkorpel at gmail.com
Fri Sep 20 21:34:08 UTC 2019

On Friday, 20 September 2019 at 20:26:03 UTC, Ron Tarrant wrote:
> If someone could please post a minimal example (if there's 
> extra stuff in there, I'll get confused; I'm getting that old, 
> dammit) I'd be ever so grateful.

Below is a simple doubly linked list with Garbage Collected 
It's not performant or complete by any means, just a minimal 
example in D like you wanted.
You probably also want methods for removing nodes or inserting in 
the middle (else why don't you use an array?), I think you can 
think of an implementation for those yourself (or look them up, 
there should be plenty examples online).

If not, just ask again.


struct Node(T) {
     private T value;
     private Node!T* next = null;
     private Node!T* previous = null;

     this(T value) {
         this.value = value;

struct DoublyLinkedList(T) {
     Node!T* head = null;
     Node!T* tail = null;

     import std.range: isInputRange, ElementType;
     this(R)(R initialList) if (isInputRange!R && is(ElementType!R 
: T)) {
         foreach(elem; initialList) {

     void addFirst(T value) {
         auto n = new Node!T(value);
         if (head !is null) {
             head.previous = n;
         } else {
             tail = n;
         n.next = head;
         head = n;

     void addLast(T value) {
         if (head is null) {
         } else {
             auto n = new Node!T(value);
             tail.next = n;
             n.previous = tail;
             tail = n;

     size_t length() const {
         size_t result = 0;
         for(const(Node!T)* a = head; a !is null; a = a.next) 
         return result;

     T opIndex(size_t pos) const {
         const(Node!T)* p = head;
         for(; p !is null && pos-- != 0; p = p.next) {}
         return p.value;

unittest {
     auto a = DoublyLinkedList!int([10, 20, 30]);
     assert(a[2] == 30);
     assert(a.length == 3);
     assert(a[0] == -10);
     assert(a.tail.value == 100);

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