Difference between slice[] and slice

Paul Backus snarwin at gmail.com
Wed Sep 25 20:57:29 UTC 2019

On Wednesday, 25 September 2019 at 20:36:47 UTC, WhatMeWorry 
> Ok.  But which element(s)?  In my specific case, I was using 
> []. Is
> waste[] = waste[0..$-1];
> even semantically meaningful?  Because the LDC compiler had no 
> problem compiling it.

`waste[]` is just shorthand for `waste[0..$]`. Assigning to a 
slice means copying the contents of another array into the array 
that slice refers to. If the lengths of the source and 
destination don't match, you get an error. Since `waste[0..$]` 
and `waste[0..$-1]` can never have the same length, you will 
always get an error if you try to assign one to the other.

Source: https://dlang.org/spec/arrays.html#array-copying

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