Local libraries/packages with dub: How?

rikki cattermole rikki at cattermole.co.nz
Tue Dec 1 04:50:03 UTC 2020

dub add-local, adds a directory as a known package that it can use as a 
dependency (or to be executed).

You need to specify in the package that depends on the dependency what 
dependencies you have.


See the dependencies key:

	"name": "myproject",
	"description": "A little web service of mine.",
	"authors": ["Peter Parker"],
	"homepage": "http://myproject.example.com",
	"license": "GPL-2.0",
	"dependencies": {
		"vibe-d": "~>0.7.23"

See[0] how to specify the dependency itself.

To have different sets of dependencies/code you can use sub packages or 
configurations. But I would suggest to just focus on one set for now, 
while you are getting the hang of the basics.

[0] https://dub.pm/package-format-json#version-specs

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