Dude about ~ array concatenation performance

ddcovery antoniocabreraperez at gmail.com
Tue Dec 1 22:49:55 UTC 2020

Yesterday I really shocked when, comparing one algorithm written 
in javascript and the equivalent in D, javascript performed 

The idea is to translate the "3 lines sort" in haskell to 
Javascript and D (with the limitations of each language).  This 
is not a quick sort test, but a "expressiveness" example of 
functional orientation:  you "declare" that the sorted version of 
an array is, given one of it's elements, the sorted version of 
the smaller ones, plus the item, plus the sorted version of the 
greater ones.

In javascript

const sorted = ([pivot, ...others]) => pivot === void 0 ? [] : [
   ...sorted(others.filter(v => v < pivot)),
   ...sorted(others.filter(v => v >= pivot))

In D

T[] sorted(T)(T[] values)
   return values.length == 0 ? [] :
     sorted(values[1 .. $].filter!(v => v < values[0]).array()) ~
     items[0 .. 1] ~
     sorted(values[1 .. $].filter!(v => v >= values[0]).array());

With 1 million Double numbers (generated randomly):
   Javascript (node 12): 1507 ms
   DMD: 2166 ms

With 6 million Double numbers
   Javascript (node 12): 10776 ms
   DMD: 15243 ms

You can find more detains in 

I will really appreciate some improvements... the only "rule" is 
that "sorted" must be written, preferably,  as a single 
expression ("declarative" way, avoiding imperative instructions) 
and, of course, you can't use the native library "sort" methods 
:-) ).

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