How to build dll?

Jack jckj33 at
Wed Dec 2 19:42:37 UTC 2020

D code:

> mixin SimpleDllMain;
>version(Windows) extern(C) export
>int foo() { return 42; }

compiled with:
> dmd -ofmydll.dll -shared -m32 dll.d

called from:

>typedef int (__cdecl *MYPROC)(void);
>int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
>               PWSTR szCmdLine, int CmdShow)
>    HINSTANCE hinstLib;
>    MYPROC ProcAdd;
>    BOOL fFreeResult, fRunTimeLinkSuccess = FALSE;
>    // Get a handle to the DLL module.
>    hinstLib = LoadLibrary(TEXT("mydll.dll"));

but hinstLib is NULL and GetLastError() = 193:

> %1 is not a valid Win32 application.

What am I missing?

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